download the 1 percent club softwarePRODUCT: The 1 Percent Club Software System
From: James Temple
The1PercentClub REVIEW : Recently, people have been receiving emails about the 1 percenter club and how one can make money using this software.
I got few request to review 1 percent club since many people trust and rely on my honest reviews, so I decided to give this a try.
Today, I’m ready to publish the 1 percent club review which I’ve been using from last 4 days. I hope this review helps you in making a wise decision.
In this review, I’ll try to answer, What is 1 percent club? Who is james temple? What’s the idea behind the 1 percent club. What’s the cost of joining the 1 percent club etc. So let’s start.

What’s 1 Percent Club? – The one percent club is basically a software created by james
temple who happens to be making lots of money from binary trading daily. It’s not actually some membership site or some kind of club for which you have to pay anything. James Temple is giving his 1 percent club software system that delivers binary signals to you and you make money by using these signals to trade in binary options market.

What’s the cost of joining ? – There is actually no price or cost associated with 1 percent club. James temple is giving his binary signal software which he calls “the 1 percent club” for free. But to make money from binary market, you will have to deposit money into one the binary broker account which the software currently supports and is properly integrated. I found this step to be very easy and immediately after depositing money into my binary broker account, I was granted access to the system.

Importance of 1 percent club binary signals? – You must be thinking what are these binary signals required to trade in binary market. Not everyone is an expert when it comes to online trading. That’s why there are binary signals which are created by Forex experts who guide and tell you what could make you money. For this, they do countless hours of research and chart analysis. By using these signals, you basically skip the step of analyzing good and fruitful stock or currency pair which requires lot of work and time.

If you are considering joining the 1 percent club system, then you must follow the steps below in proper order else you should be ready to face some serious error and problem gaining access to 1 percent club software. Follow these steps as it is:

STEP 2 – After visiting the link above, enter an email ID which you haven’t used ever before on or any other website (if possible).

STEP 3 – Once you have entered the email ID, you will be taken to a special page where you will be guided what to do next and how to access the 1 percent club system software. Follow it properly and make sure you fund your OptionsArea account with some money in order to receive binary signals and start binary trading.

You will receive binary signals immediately upon depositing money into your broker account at Now, you need to follow the signals and do as it says. If it says buy USD/EUR then buy it and wait for binary trade to finish to see the profit. Don’t waste time because every moment is important.

My Initial Results with The 1 Percent Club

Currently, I’ve been having great success with the 1 percent club binary signals. On average, I see that I’ve won 81% trades and lost 19% trades which is pretty good. I started with an initial investment of $250 and now I’ve $890 in balance which I can withdraw anytime into my bank account. 
Here’s a quick breakdown of how things went for me…
Initial Deposit = $250
  • Day 1: Investment = $50, Return = $105 (PROFIT = $55)
  • Day 2: Investment = $100, Return = $245 (PROFIT = $145)
  • Day 3: Investment = $50, Return = $5 (LOSS = $45)
  • Day 4: Investment = $250, Return = $735 (PROFIT = $485)
Hopefully, my winning streak continues, but it is still hard work paying attention to all these signals! Overall, this thing works and I’ll advice you to give it a try if you can.
If you have any questions regarding 1 percent club then let me answer it. Simply comment below with your question :)